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昨天與共同融資方MS共進午餐,提到難纏客戶某公司,不願意按照先前約定好的事項,進行設質,推託說因為這樣要公告,會影響股價,MS大老闆歪果J哥說,除非是Margin Loan(公告後可能引發其他股票投資人退場,造成股價下挫),的確會有影響股價的疑慮,否則應該依約設定。

什麼是Margin Loan?

簡單來說就是借錢來買股票。[節錄]自己出一部分资金(可以是股票或现金),然后向银行贷款购买同一股票(贷款一般不超过总投资的80%,各股票不同)。这部分贷款的利息可以扣税。但是如果股票价格跌去买入价的一定范围(通常5%),银行会要求你补充资金。marging lending的利息在8%左右,期限为一至3年。

[下方節錄]A margin or investment loan is a form of gearing that lets you borrow money to invest in approved shares or managed funds, using your existing cash, shares or managed funds as security. The amount that you can borrow is determined by the securities in your portfolio, their Loan to Value Ratio and a credit limit based on an assessment of your financial position.

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Most Favored Nation

In the context of the credit market, “most favored nation” or “MFN” generally refers to the concept that an existing lender will be entitled to at least as favorable terms as any subsequent lender. The concept can apply to a multitude of terms and conditions – e.g., where a creditor wants to ensure it receives the same yield as a future permitted creditor, where an unsecured creditor wants to make sure it becomes secured on a pari passu basis if the borrower secures any other permitted debt, where a creditor wants to make sure the incurrence or refinance of permitted debt is on terms no more favorable than those governing the existing debt it holds, etc.

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  • Mar 18 Sat 2017 16:23
  • PIPEs




私人投資公開股票(Private Investment in Public Equity,簡稱PIPEs)



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